Gas House Lane Surgery offers Systm On-line to all patients. This allows patients who register to have remote access to:
- Appointments (to book, amend, cancel and print appointments) -Booking appointment online through SystmOnline has currently, due to coronavirus and the use of telephone consultations, been suspended.
- Repeat Prescriptions (to view, order or print a list of repeat prescriptions)
- Medical Records
Gas House Lane Surgery can also offer online access to detailed information within the Medical Record. To be able to access this facility you will need to have an individual access and ID code. Please contact Reception, who will be able to issue you with this.
The Econsult feature allows patient’s to access GP advice within 48 hours. This can include services varying from sick notes, to telephone consults, to advice from GP’s for issues, and administrative support. Please give as much detail as possible and if it is applicable include photographs of your issue to help the GP understand your concerns.