We run all our surgeries by an appointment only system and appointments are of a 10-minute duration. If you feel that the problem(s) you are coming to discuss will take longer than 10 minutes then please inform the receptionist at the time of booking. Appointments can be booked up to one month in advance by telephoning the surgery.
We try to make sure you see the doctor of your choice. Please remember that an appointment is for one person. If you are unable to keep an appointment then please advise a member of the reception team as soon as possible so that the appointment can be allocated to another patient. We will arrange for URGENT cases to be seen at short notice however you may not necessarily see the doctor of your choice.
Closed for training
The surgery is closed for staff training on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 12 noon until 5 pm.
Routine appointments are available during this time by contacting the normal surgery number. To see a doctor or nurse please telephone us or come into the surgery to book an appointment. For those patients registered with SystmOnline Access you can book GP appointments from your computer at home or at work from the following link www.patient.co.uk and clicking on “patient access. Booking appointment online through SystmOnline has currently, due to coronavirus and the use of telephone consultations, been suspended.