Complaints and compliments

We want to hear what you have to say. We use complaints and comments from patients to improve the services we provide.  We also conduct an annual patient survey, which you might be asked to complete.

If you have a complaint or comment of any nature, the practice has a complaints procedure and we always welcome the opportunity to deal with any part of our service that is causing you concern.  If you would like to submit a complaint, you can do so by contacting us via telephone, email (, or face to face at the reception.  You can complain or express any concerns at any time with any member of staff.  If you need help in making a complaint please let us know.

We aim to acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days, and respond within 28 days.

If you feel that we were unable to help you regarding your complaint, you can also contact Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) who will able to offer impartial advice and support.

Date published: 10/10/2014
Date last updated: 29/10/2024